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This is Trigger our 25 lb male Miniature Poodle. He is definitely a snuggler and loves to be close to people! His personality is so sweet and smart. Trigger always wants to be near you, and loves playing fetch! Trigger was a beautiful red color when he was a puppy, and has since lightened to a nice Apricot color. And he is still just as handsome! Trigger is AKC registered, has OFA good hips, and normal elbows (preliminary). Trigger has also had Embark genetic testing done.



Moose is our 18 lb male miniature poodle. He has the genetics to throw some beautiful phantom and parti coloring, which will be wonderful with our bernedoodles! Moose loves to be near his people, and travels with mom to work at the vet clinic every day! Moose is AKC registered, has OFA good hips and normal elbows (preliminary). He has also been Embark genetic tested. 



Kimber is our 80 lb Bernese Mountain Dog. She is a beautiful girl with a lovely, soft, fluffy coat. She loves attention and is so smart. We have to put locks on doors because she has learned how to open them! Kimber is AKC registered and has OFA good hips and normal elbows, and has been PennHip tested as well. She also had has Embark genetic testing done. 



BB is our beautiful 45 lb golden retriever.  She is a sweetheart and loves to give people hugs. Belly rubs are also her favorite. She is AKC registered and has OFA good hips and normal elbows, and has been PennHip tested. She has also been Embark genetic tested. 


Tikka is our stunning 80 lb Bernese Mountain Dog. She comes from Serbian show champion bloodlines, and has the pedigree to prove it! She has a great structure and a beautiful, fluffy coat. She is very intelligent and was a quick learner as a puppy. Tikka is AKC registered, and has had PennHip testing done, OFA normal elbows, and Embark genetic testing has also been completed.



Faline is our beautiful 75 lb Bernese Mountain Dog. She has a great build with a wide berner head, and a thick, soft, wavy coat. She thrives for attention, and loves playing with her sisters. Wherever her people are is where she wants to be. Faline is AKC registered, has had PennHip testing done, OFA elbows (normal), as well as Embark genetic testing. 


See more pictures of our dogs on our social media pages!

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